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Your Privacy

Your personal details


During our first counselling session I will ask you to provide some personal information; name, address, contact details, family circumstances, your occupation, any psychological diagnosis and currently prescribed medication.

How I store your information


I may write brief session notes following counselling sessions; these handwritten notes are securely stored and encoded. Your identifiable counselling contract (which is signed by us both) is kept separately in a locked cabinet.

I keep information on my smartphone and computer which are both password protected, your preferred contact number is stored by first name only. I will securely hold your information for 7 years after therapy ends, after which all information relating to you will be securely destroyed. In accordance with GDPR 2018 compliance, I am registered with the ICO.

How I might share your personal information


Only myself and potentially my supervisor will have access to client details; in accordance with BACP professional guidelines, I have regular supervision with a qualified professional, who abides by the same confidentiality regulations as myself. I will only use your first name during supervision sessions.



Anything you say during therapy sessions will be treated with utmost confidentiality at all times. However, due to my legal duty there are exceptions when I cannot guarantee to uphold strict confidentiality:

If you potentially pose a risk of serious harm to yourself or others.

If you disclose details of child abuse, drug trafficking, acts of terrorism or money laundering.

I will endeavour to discuss my concerns directly with you in the first instance and inform you if I am legally bound to disclose information to relevant professional bodies.

Right to access


You have the right to ask for a copy of your personal information. You have the right to request I change or amend any out of date information I hold about you. Should your notes be requested by a third party (i.e. court of law) I will require a signed declaration from you.

Right to be forgotten


When our work together formally ends you will not receive any further communication or information from me.

Social media policy


My principal concern is your privacy. I do not accept friend requests from former, current or potential clients on social network sites. I have social media pages for my counselling service and will use this to share relevant public posts of interest. You remain responsible for anything you write on social media sites; if you ever feel that my public posts are harmful or unethical, I strongly encourage you to discuss this with me.


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